I'm currently writing with +Thaumiel Nerub of +Doom Products a fun little hex crawl. We've been slowly working our way thru it. I have to draw a few maps for this one! As well we may use a few +Dyson Logos CC maps within the adventure as well! Another thing I'm quite excited about is that Thaumiel can draw really well, so hopefully we can fill up the pages with some awesome.
I have 2 projects that I want to review, one of them is this awesome ruleset called Netherstorm.
Product Description:
An open sandbox game where you have free reign over your destiny. Are you a carpenter with dreams of becoming the leader of the largest merchant’s guild on Thelal? A delinquent, destined to lead armies and conquer evil? Or are you a simple apprentice to a priest in your small hometown, with designs on being the head of your order?
The choice is entirely up to you. Design any type of character you like, and enter the world of Thelal..
So far after my brief read thru, I'm diggin it! The graphics alone are awesome. It has a definite old school feel!
The other review that I'm working on is +Venger Satanis "No Escape From New York". A post apocalyptic module for Crimson Dragon Slayer.
Product Description:
Look what the cat dragged in!
This is New York City as only Crimson Dragon Slayer could imagine it. Filthy, funny, and fucking weird... No Escape from New York is the second mini-module for the old school, gonzo science-fantasy RPG Crimson Dragon Slayer (Descent into the Candy Crypts is the first).
The book is a dark, smutty love letter to the rotten apple circa 1983, when Times Square and 42nd Street were doing it up right. You'll see a dozen or more of your favorite films and TV shows given the homage/parody treatment.
Best of all... this is more or less compatible with any OSR game that uses Hit Dice, Armor Class, etc. No Escape from New York is 85% of a full-fledged micro-campaign just waiting for your grimy, crimson-soaked fingertips. Caress this PDF if you dare!
Rolling around my head lately is the following:
* I'd like to do a post apocalyptic module, based entirely on Canada. As some of you may have noticed I have a fairly good sense of humour regarding my "home & native" land. Throw a bit of Venger gonzo into it, and you might end up facing some Zombie Mounties! A little while ago I created a Canadian RPG and a Canadian Character Sheet.
I just picture everyone playing a Casey Jones type character in the adventure. (+1 Hockey Jersey anyone?). Maple syrup healing potions!
Deathtrap Dungeon Idea:
I had posted this up on the OSR forum, but it was met with a whole lot of nothing! So I think I'll try and find some time to create it myself.
Random idea, based on "deathtrap dungeon" from fighting fantasy. the premise of which is "Deathtrap Dungeon is a fantasy scenario set in the trap-filled and monster-infested labyrinth of Fang.[1] The player takes the role of an adventurer who decides to enter Baron Sukumvit's "Trial of Champions" and brave "Deathtrap Dungeon". Competing against five other adventurers, the player must defeat monsters, navigate the maze of dungeons and collect certain gems, which are the key to escaping and winning the Trial." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathtrap_Dungeon
What I'm thinking is create a community fed dungeon based on the above premise, however with one slight modification, every player plays 5 PC's (like the DCC funnel) none of them getting any more than weapons that do 1d4 damage (hoes, shovels, etc)
We can call it "Cannon Fodder". the prize is 10,000 Gold and a house in the city.
We can call it "Cannon Fodder". the prize is 10,000 Gold and a house in the city.
Thought Eater Contest
Zak S started running an awesome essay contest about a month back. Great idea! However I haven't written an essay in about 14 years or so. I actually had to google "How to write an essay". Apparently there are prizes involved (Yes I really want a copy of R&PL and now I am going to grab the pdf). Now that the results are in and I didn't make it thru, I wrote the 2nd post for "realism". This contest was a great idea, its been so long since I wrote an essay. http://dndwithpornstars.blogspot.ca/2015/10/thought-eater-1st-round-winners-rules.html?showComment=1445177535874#c2404922361350624239

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