Yes that's right, we printed off Chits and used them. We were told that if we used dice we would have a -2 penalty to any roll. The funniest part of that was one of the players hadn't realized what a chit was, he seemed to think that was our way of saying "dice". After his first roll, we all had a good laugh when he was told about the penalty. He quickly grabbed a piece of paper and scissors and wrote up a basic d20 chit.
This was the truest way to play that game.
I've been thinking a lot about holmes latetly. I went down a bit of a rabbit hole after buying the pdf for Blueholme Journeymanne Rules. After reading this blog:
and this:
I started to get really excited about the baked in world for Blueholme. Another excellent resource is the Necropolis Of Nuromen , which includes a brief gazateer on the surrounding areas and the city of blueholme. From reading these blog posts, it looks like there will be a Blueholme Brochure coming eventually from Dreamscape Design, and I for one am excited!
Now this post here:
Is what started to get the wheels turning, specifically the implied OD&D setting blog from Wayne's blog Which I had totally forgotten about. Please go and read the implied setting document. I'll wait.
Alright, you've read it. And I'm guessing you have a copy of the Journeymann rules and have also read the Necroplolis of Nuromen. You've started to realize that you can mix fantasy and sci fi in a world that has had some form of apocalypse. The section that got me really excited is Part 6 in the rules "Creatures" and the ability to use monsters as PCs. You may have also noticed that wondeful art on page 5 with the human, dwarf and the Dreenoi. What's that? Well it appears to be a alien!
And here's another little bit from Blueholme, the information on the "Old Ones", that helps to paint a picture.
Sages speculate that the vast Underworld was the effort of many civilisations, toiling over the eons, but that it began with vast underground cities built by several pre-human species that came to the lands from regions unknown. Old ones flourished for millennia, but were ultimately overthrown....
All of this information paints a very interesting picture that has got me super excited to read and delve more into the implied setting of Blueholme and OD&D.
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