I've been re-reading my old 2e books, and I want to start planning a campaign. But more importantly I want to re-start my DM binder and start filling it with things, world building, npcs etc. One of the most important things in my brain is to pick a system when you start designing stuff (honestly its this weird ADD thing... its probably not that important).
Couldn't sleep last night as my brain was filled with D&D ideas. Here's the train of thought before bed:
1. 5e group really hasn't had much time to play latetly, all good. But its been leaving me thinking that I need a creative outlet for the upcoming winter months. I just bought witchlight (review forthcoming).
2. I decided to post on a few forums "looking for players". The plan would be discord only, as I'm not the best with roll20.
3. I started thinking about working on a small area to start with for a 2e campaign. Nothing grand. Just like in the bx rules, create a homebase, a dungeon and go from there.
Made a decision to work on a map today after I got home from work. I wanted it to be in the style of:
and this: https://sites.google.com/view/dragonsmarch/home
specifically this: https://sites.google.com/view/dragonsmarch/whispglow-sw-basic?authuser=0
then I read this post this evening: https://theymightbegazebos.blog/2021/10/25/the-tale-of-two-dm-notebooks/
Wound up with something a little bit more Tron like:
I've often talked about how If I ever run another game it would be very rules light because my brain just can't do number crunching anymore.Then I stumbled onto this interesting post, which is basically suggesting that If you blow away all the optional rules you are playing a basic version of D&D. Which I like!