
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Random artifact generator

Just having some fun, bit of a work in progress. 

Roll 1d20 for type. 
1  throne
2  chest
3  painting
4  large rock
5  shackles
6  bucket
7  forge
8  decorative sack
9 wall mirror
10 horn
11 animal pelt
12 skeleton key
13 skull
14 awl
15 gem
16 sandals
17 stone doorwsy
18 pool
19 grindstone
20 overly large book

Roll 1d8 for the amount of charges (divide charges between all effects, round down).
Roll 1d4 for the amount of magical effects
Roll 1d20 for the type of magical effect
Alignment of object (roll 1d6), on a roll of 1-2 good, 3-4 neutral, 5-6 chaotic

Magical effect type 1d20
1  resurrection
2  esp
3 darkness
4 cure light wounds
5 protection from good /evil
6  purify food /water
7 summon monster (roll 1d6 for hit dice of monster)
8  cures lycanthropy
9  silence
10  minor illusion
11 creates minor potions
12 recharges wands
13 increases one attribute to 18 for a month
14 returns one level that was drained
15 gigantisim
16  polymorph into an animal
17 all spent spells are remembered
18  a loved one returns and haunts the players
19 fireball centred on the party
20 the artifact becomes unstable.

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