
Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 I just joined Matt Jackson and the guys last week for a fun session.

Here's the play report.

We are playing barrow maze with ose. Which I'm digging so far! My mage misstep took a misstep and died. Good news is I have two backup characters. And there's always this generator

Looks like this is a every Thursday thing for a few hours which is nice. 


I was talking with Ray otus the creator of the gygax 75 challenge about my difficulty with completing it. I figure I'm going to start from scratch at this point. I always try to think too big or outdo myself and fail. Smaller is easier. One big thing is to really decide on the system ahead of time! 


As is typical I have way too many creative ideas and not enough time. 

Current thoughts. 

Write and record a 7 song punk record

Build a better studio in my basement. 

Order a fuzz box or guitar kit and build it. 

Start a rpg zine. 

Complete any number of half started writing projects. 

OH and just play guitar. 

Maybe get a game going on Wednesday afternoons. 

1 comment:

  1. Huck sawyer wrote: The Marines say "Do something wrong rather than doing nothing at all".

    Pick up the guitar. Probably needs strings anyway. Elixir.

    Pick up the pen. Give it fifteen minutes and see if you get a tingle. Put it down, with the date of last visit.

    Don't start anything until you've finished something.

    I have not engaged D&D in over 30 years. Life gets in the way of things we like best. Sites like yours keep those embers glowing. It's a long way from Caverns of Thracia to the current RPG universe. An old horse like me doesn't even know where to start!

    Thanks all around for the enduring flame.

    (I apologize I deleted the comment by accident and had no way of bringing it back other than a copy paste. And yeah I love elixirs)
