And here's a brief description
Draconic Magazine presents an O5R [OSR plus 5e] investigative, sword & sorcery tabletop RPG adventure set in Torth - by Venger Satanis.

This particular adventure is set in the city called Aryd's End, during a time of festivity. Several factions are making plans and hatching schemes. No one is all good or all evil, merely shades of grey.
Shanes notes:
This from the mind that brought you "Liberation Of The Demonslayer" and "The Purple Islands Of Haunted Putrescence" (say that 5 times fast like a tinker gnome I dare yah!). From talking with Venger, this new module is not going to be as gonzo as previous modules, and I would hazard to guess there are going to be 5e elements within it. I am loving the sample artwork that has gone up on this project. Check for more of that.
As a side note, I am a huge fan of promoting within the community, so if you have something that's super neat and you are trying to find backers for it, hit me up on G+ and I'll do my best to post some information about it. Thru community we are stronger.
As well if you have a module that you would like reviewed, I'd be happy to do it! get at me via email or thru drivethrurpg. shanepatrickward AT gmail DOT com.
Have a good weekend!
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