Quest: A bunch of halflings have gone missing from the local town! They descended into an old dungeon beneath the river, in search of a lost recipe for mead! Their wives are worried sick! 100 GP's for the safe return of the halflings. Get er done.
2 Wolf 2D6 30' x 30' AC7 HD2+2
4 Strange portal that transports the PC's to room 12. 40' x 20'
5 Orc 2D4 20' x 20' AC 6 HD 1
6 Giant Gecko 1D6 50' x 50' AC 5 HD 3+1
7 Empty 20' x 20' 4 Dead Orcs, all beheaded. No armour or weapons
8 Empty Locked Chest with 300 SP's, 100 GP's 20' x 20'
9 Empty 20' x 30'
10 Dwarf 1D6 20' x 20' AC 4 HD 1.
11 Statue of Unicorn, horn is worth 30 GP's. 30' x 30'
12 Empty 40' x 40' Creaking from above, dust falls on PC’s heads. 1 -6 chance of cave in. 2D6 damage.
13 Giant Killer Bee 1D6 20' x 20' AC 7 HP's 1D4
14 Trap bricks fall from ceiling 2D6 Damage 20' x 20'
15 Empty 30' x 30'
16 Halfling 3D6 30' x 30' This is where the lost halflings are, they are fairly drunk having found the recipe they were looking for and a bunch of leftover mead!
17 Giant Toad 1D4 20' x 20' AC 7 HD 2+2
18 Empty 30' x 20' Buried to the hilt in the ground is a silver sword +1. Strength Check at -2 to remove.
19 Empty 50' x 50'
20 Trap rigged arrow trap 1D6 damage 20' x 50'
21 Empty 600 SP's, 100 GP's, Cursed Scroll 30' x 30'
22 Zombie 2D4 40' x 40' AC 8 HD 2
23 Empty 50' x 50'
24 Kobolds 4D4 30' x 30' AC 7 HPs 1D4 each
25 Trap pit trap 20' 2D6 damage 20' x 20' 3 half empty potion bottles (2 of which have nothing useable, 1 is a portion of healing that will heal 1D4 HP’s)
26 Empty 50' x 40' Sprung trap, a dead goblin hanging upside down from ceiling. 1D6 X 10 SP’s