What?! Gah! *Runs and hides under a table*
1. How did you get your start roleplaying? What system did you
I've had an interest since I was a little kid in the 80s. The
cartoon series of Dungeons & Dragons was one of my favorites growing up and
I caught every episode during the first order run. So the name was already
there in my mind from an early age. In middle school a few friends played
outside of school given that I went to a Catholic School and D&D was for
the devil. So I missed my shot there. I finally started playing in AIT in 1999
with a TSR box set that I picked up at the Ft. Leonard Wood PX during weekend
pass. I don't know what edition it was, just that it was gold, and there was a
dagger with a dragon relief in a pile of trash in the small dungeon the box set
came with.
2. How and when did you discover OSR?
That is difficult to answer. I think the best way to put it is that I
accidentally fell into it. I was actually looking for some of White Wolf'sSwords & Sorcery OGL stuff and being that I was working third shift at the
time and was doing this search after pulling a double (so 2200 – 1400) I typed
in Swords & Wizardry instead. I found the 3rd printing of Matt's Core
edition and was in love. I didn't go to sleep that day and just read the pdf
over and over, glorying in the system. I think I sent the pdf to Staples that
day to print (didn't know about lulu yet). Since then I have tried and played
with a lot of OSR game systems but S&W Core (especially 3rd printing) is
still my go to.
3. Tell me about Genius Loci Games, How did it start?
I think 4 years ago I was starting to collect my ideas for a Celtic
themed setting that I was haphazardly running for my daughter and her friends
down on digital paper. I had no idea if I was doing right, no idea if I was
following the “rules as written” for S&W or any of that stuff so I decided
to submit to the mythmere forums one of the race-as-classes I made for my
daughter's game; The Cat-Sith (This would later reappear as the Chesh in New Class Options).
Unfortunately, I think the forums were down that day so I ended
going to this new fangled thing I had barely heard of called Google+ and the
Swords & Wizardry Fan Discussion Page. People liked the Chesh, gave me some
awesome feedback and I kind of just joined the community.
A few weeks later Erik Tenkar started doing his 30 days of content
block, and me not knowing anything else though this was normal, so I started a
blog to showcase my original content. Genius Loci Games was born. As a “studio”
it came actually from you. I think you were showing off your ideas for the 20131-page dungeon contest and I was like “I can do that!” and … I couldn't, no way
I could get it to one page. So I did it in two, released it to RPGnow as the
first Two-Page Adventure (The Nest).
4. Tell me about your latest release “The Bards Of Ur”?
“The Bards of Ur” is a 5e adventure that is a lot of fun, it is a
race against time to stop a death metal Bard Troupe from unleashing a chained
demon lord into the mortal plane and then dragging it down into the Nine Hells..
But not before eating most of the population. There's werewolves, ghosts,
nobles names Dread … it was a hell of a lot of fun to write, and was really a
venting process in a way for me. I always try to be the upbeat, “show them
wonder” adventure writer, and all to often it feels like I'm the weird guy in
the room for having that mentality so I just went nuts, blasted some folk metal
and cut loose.
4. What are you currently playing?
I am currently playing Mane Tales which is an original system game
for my daughters about magical ponies learning about friendship hides nail file
and that has been a joy. Watching my four-year-old pick up on tabletop gaming
and start to do more than roll dice and move around a board has been … well,
again a joy. I am also running a 5e game on Fantasy Grounds twice a month,
having just taken over for the previous DM who ran the game for over a
5. If you could campaign in any world which would it
Oh man, that's a tough a tough one! Do I have to choose just one? While
I love the Forgotten Realms I feel its played out, so that one is out. I would
love a shot at Mystara, Savage World's Pinebox, Tx/East Texas University, TheLost Lands, and so many others … more than I think anyone could hope to play in
a fulfilling way in a lifetime.
6. How is your Patreon going?
The Patreon is going pretty good. I have 14 extremely dedicated patrons
who have stuck with me through thick and thin, and who are very supportive of
both the process and the styles of adventures I produce. Right now I'm
averaging 3 to 4 a month with a good mix of short to long adventure (so 2 to 12
pages). I hope to one day reach the final goal, which would allow me to put my
kids in a drop off day care for a few hours a week so I could get some
dedicated writing time in, but that isn't something I pushing hard at.
7. Tell me about the “Adventures In Basq” Module?
Adventures in Basq was and may be the only Kickstarter I will ever do.
It is a massive Sandpark adventure that takes place in the southern reaches of
the Usarm Setting and holds a lot of the lore answers to the setting as a
whole. The text is pretty massive, not Barakus or Rappan Aku massive but its
big. At last page count it was sitting at 55 pages without art, layout, or any
of the fancy stuff with a 10pt boring font.
While there is a lot of detail I also left a lot up to the Referee as
well, one of my main design philosophies is that the Referee is god and that
his or her will should take the forefront. So I may give a summary for an area
that is two paragraphs long and some suggestions but beyond that every instance
of that area will be different from Referee to Referee. That however, isn't
always the case, the dungeons, the various factions, and so on are pretty well
detailed, but things not in the immediate area of the setting (i.e. the Rift
Bridge, The Salt Pillers, The Great Seas, etc) are only thinly described.
8. You’ve released an adventure using the Mini6 rules from anti
paladin games, how do you find writing for that system?
Two actually, Paranormal Investigators & Exterminators, and Good-byeAmerican P.I.E.. I love mini-six, it is by far my second favorite system and I
wish there was more support for it. Designing for it can be tricky because of
how the combat system is but as a whole it is fun and quick and I can't wait to
get my hands into it again.
EDITORS NOTE: Here's a link to Mini6 by antipaladin games - http://www.antipaladingames.com/p/mini-six.html
9. What is one of your favorite adventures other than something
that you’ve released?
Your TheLizardmen of Illzathatch jumps to mind immediately, I also love Grimesgate by
Matt Finch and have used as the Rosetta stone in a lot of my early adventures.
Going back in time the 3.5 Ravenloft adventure "Expedition to Castle
Ravenloft" will always hold a special place for me as it was my first
adventure, as will the "Mask of Death" because of its association
with my favorite movie "Gamers 2: Dorkness Rising".
10. Your modules contain some amazing art & cartography, who
are these awesome artists?
Frank Turfler is my go to guy. The man is a genius with both a pencil
and mouse and I work with him as much as I can. He is the primary artist for
“Adventures in Basq”, and has done covers and interiors in a lot of my work.
Many of my Patreon adventures piggy back off of his Patreon map releases,
trying to show case the different uses for his maps. I also have a great
working relationship with Glynn Seal of Monkeyblood design who is the
cartographer for “Adventures in Basq” and who designed the new logo for GeniusLoci Games. Glynn is amazing … and is very patient. Seriously the man should be
canonized. I also have worked with the super awesome Eric Quigley who did the
cover for “Adventures in Basq” and is on the short list should I ever have the
money to hire him again. Finally there is Danny Prescott who has done some work
for “Adventures in Basq” including the city shot of Basq itself. He does really
good work and doesn't get near enough credit.
11. When you get a chance to play a character, what type of
PC do you like to play?
Erik is going to think I'm copying off of him but I typically play a
Dwarven Cleric when the system allows for it and the roll isn't already taken.
Otherwise I play a Dread Pirate Roberts style ranged fighter who typically
annoys most of the groups I've played with … so I stick to the dwarf.
12. What are you most excited about in the RPG scene
A lot actually. I am really excited for the upcoming unity version
of Fantasy Grounds. While I love in person gaming and I don't think anything
can ever truly emulate it, I feel with how our society is changing VTTs are the
future, and FG is, in my opinion, the best of them. There is also a really fun
dark sci-fi adventure coming out that I had the privilege to play test that has
me excited, because it is going to blow some minds. Outside of that there is
the obvious “Stuff from Frog Gods” that I was actually able to afford this time
13. Hockey Or Football? And bonus question Italian or
Asian cuisine?
Well, you're going to kill me but neither; I'm a baseball fan. As for
food, the last name is De Santo so of course I like Asian.
14. What are the plans for Genuis Loci Games this year?
Anything in the works?
The main goal right now is to get “Adventures in Basq” out the door.
After that my primary focus is on finishing the development of Mane Tales and
Eldritch (A Modern Paranormal take on S&W Core) and releasing them to the
wider world in one form or another. Unfortunately I may end up shopping those
around instead of releasing them myself, as the price of putting out a Grade A
professional product is beyond me, and I am still very doubtful of doing
another kickstarter.
Thank you, Shane! It was an honor and a half!

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