Swords & Sorcery Apocalyptic Prophecy's

Smoke rises from the incense burning in the room. The small tent is decorated in kitchy occult symbols and strange wall hangings. Across from you is a beautiful Elven fortune teller. You ask, "What will become of this land? What part will I play?'. You try to follow her eyes as she stares longingly into her swirling crystal ball. She clears her throat, "The future has yet to be written, but you will play a part in the future of this world. It could be that you play a part in its destruction". She pauses, and fumbles in a small pouch that is tied to her waist. She pulls out an old deck of cards, the sides crumbled and bent. Motioning for you to pull from the deck, she smiles and winks at you.....
1. The barrier between worlds has grown weaker.
(Ace of Spades)
2. The Lizard King will arrive again.
(King of Spades)
3. The dead will walk.
(Queen Of Spades)
4. The Gods have turned their attention to other matters. (Jack of Spades)
5. In order to restore balance, one must sacrifice something they believe in.
(10 of Spades)
6. The death of the king will bring about great change.
(9 of Spades).
7. The armies of darkness will invade the forgotten lands.
(8 of Spades)
8. All forms of Magic will fail.
(7 of Spades)
9. A Evil God will be re born in humanoid form.
(6 of Spades).
10. Comets will fall from the sky causing untold destruction.
(5 of Spades).
11. The forests will wither and die.
(4 of Spades).
12. A total solar eclipse will last forever.
(3 of Spades)
13. Winter is coming, and it will last for 5 years.
(2 of Spades).
14. The pig half man will rule the skies.
(Ace of Diamonds)
15. When the desert of the dead becomes a forest, ancient lizards will walk the earth again. (King of Diamonds)
16. The world will pass very close by the sun, whole continents will burn.
(Queen of Diamonds)
17. A vampire coven will arise, they will dominate all corners of the political landscape.
(Jack of Diamonds)
18. A intra-dimensional door will open, spilling forth an Alien race.
(10 of Diamonds)
19. You will receive a vision of a maiden being tortured. By killing her the Torturer will bring about the beginning of the end of the world.
(9 of Diamonds)
20. A sign will appear in the jungle, it will point to an ancient evil tablet.
(8 of Diamonds)
21. Travelers from a different time will appear out of thin air.
(7 of Diamonds)
22. A plague will envelope the lands, causing crippling injuries to all races.
(6 of Diamonds)
23. The world will remain the same, nothing will happen. This card does not tell the truth.
(5 of Diamonds)
24. It is whispered that soon we will call the tune, and the piper will lead us to reason.
(4 of Diamonds)
25. Poison gas will be released from huge fissures in the earth, causing everyone to laugh hysterically.
(3 of Diamonds)
26. The automatons will become self aware.
(2 of Diamonds)
27. Fire & Ash will fall from the sky, rivers will boil.
(Ace of Clubs)
28. Men from the sky will come, their great ships will fail.
(King of Clubs)
29. A large labyrinth will appear out of nowhere, within the center is a gate to another world.
(Queen of Clubs)
30. Land will flood, the tides will rise, and the world will become a vast sea.
(Jack of Clubs)
31. Chickens will mutate into giant bloodthirsty birds, chasing villagers out of their fields.
(10 of Clubs)
32. No Dragons will be born this year, or ever again.
(9 of Clubs)
33. A evil sorcerers guild will start experimenting on people, causing a virus to be created. The virus will spread causing mass chaos.
(8 of Clubs)
34. All natural resources will depleted by the end of this year.
(7 of Clubs)
35. An Evil cult intending to create peace has installed puppet doppelgangers into any position of power.
(6 of Clubs)
36. An Ancient race will re-appear upon the lands.
(5 of Clubs)
37. A un-wise mage will release a hoard of demons.
(4 of Clubs)
38. A city will burn, its refugees will call another God, although he will be unworthy.
(3 of Clubs)
39. A pestilence of ancient insects will kill crops. A great famine will occur.
(2 of Clubs)
40. The traveler will come and wreak havoc, in the form that you choose.
(Ace of Hearts)
41. Hurricane & earthquakes will mark the great collapse.
(King of Hearts)
42. He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop, his fame will increase towards the eastern realms.
(Queen of Hearts)
43. A rider on a pale horse will appear on the horizon, he will bring about the death of all.
(Jack of Hearts)
44. Sound will be amplified and gravity will be increased as the sun sets on a early spring evening. (10 of Hearts)
45. Help! I'm stuck in a Apocalyptic Card Prophecy making factory.
(9 of Hearts)
46. The world will become the battlefield of the Gods.
(8 of Hearts)
47. The one who pulls the sword will be named King, and unto him his family will die miserable deaths.
(7 of Hearts)
48. A strange aura will be emitted from the earth, causing the population to deform. You can neither smell or see it.
(6 of Hearts)
49. You cannot live while it survives.
(5 Of Hearts)
50. Ale shipments will be tainted with the color purple, it will kill tens of thousands.
(4 of Hearts)
51. Sea creatures will fall from the sky.
(3 of Hearts)
52. A great ruler will be resurrected, war will follow.
(2 of Hearts)
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